React Redux
Redux Toolkit
Core Concepts
Single source of truth
State is read-only
Changes are made with pure functions
Data Flow
- Store: state を保存しておく要素、内部に Reducer を保持する
- Reducer: Action を受け取り、既存の state と Action を利用して新たな state を作成する
- Dispatch: View などから Action を受け取り、Store(正しくは内部の Reducer)へ送信する
- Action: 変更内容を内部に含む要素であり、Dispatch によって送信される。(基本的にオブジェクト形式)
In a React + Redux app, your global state should go in the Redux store, and your local state should stay in React components.
Redux Toolkit
Next.js Template
Redux Essentials, Part 2: Redux Toolkit App Structure
Redux Slices: A “slice” is a collection of Redux reducer logic and actions for a single feature in your app, typically defined together in a single file. The name comes from splitting up the root Redux state object into multiple “slices” of state.
Redux Toolkit App Structure
- Create store:
- Provide store to components:
- Slice:
, generate “name, initialState, reducers, action” in one function - Thunk: redux-thunk, async logic